Friday, March 14, 2008

Mousetrap Car Refections

Here is a chance to reflect on your latest project. What was good about the project? What could be improved? Please also share your thoughts with us about what you learned while builkding your car. Have a good weekend!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mousetrap Car Project

Remember your cars must be in class with you on either Monday or Tuesday, depending on which class you are in.
If you have any design questions please make a comment. For instance Ashley wrote to me and asked if the mousetrap had to be snapped at the starting line or if she could simply release her car. Holding and releasing the arm of the trap is perfectly acceptable.
Good luck to all of you!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Physics Challenge!

1. Prove that the unit of measure for impulse is equal to the unit of measure for momemtum.

2. Using the Law of Acceleration, show and define what the unit of measure for a force is equal to.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Next lab essay: The Water Balloon Toss

An analysis of our latest activity is due Wednesday, March 5. Follow the Lab Essay Format which can be found on Just click on the Lab section to find.

Include in your essay the idea of "follow through" and how the concepts of impulse and change in momentum can be applied to this activity. I particularly liked Bryant's statement of "becoming one with the balloon" in order to stop it from breaking or to even make it go further. What did he mean? Also make the connection between this activity and the "egg catcher" you constructed in our last lab.

Overcome your fear...Physics help is here!

Many of you are having trouble overcoming your fear or definite reluctance to tackle physics problems that have more than one step or need to be solved like a puzzle. It is time to overcome your fear and the only way to do so is to practice, practice, practice. You know the saying..."practice makes perfect" and it is so true for so many things we do in life and particularly so for sucess in physics.
One of the most powerfull study tactics I discovered while in college was the use of study groups and we will put this strategy to work during our lunchtime academic intervention sessions being held Monday through Thursday every week in room 401.
Anyone may attend at any time but I will be assigning many of you specific days that you will be required to attend. Names will be posted on the back bulletin board and lunchroom passes will be distributed. Please make sure you check this vital list and I look forward to working with you all.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Welcome Sophomores!

In addition to finding and accessing information from the Montessori Physics website, this blog will allow you to reflect, ask questions and comment on what is being covered in class. Changes or updates to assignments, homework, and at times a Physics challenge or article will be posted here. You are to take the opportunity to clear up any confusion and questions as well as share your thoughts and ideas. Please feel free to comment on our new website and what else you would like to see added to improve what is already there.
When publishing a comment please always sign your first name with last name initial (Jay B) as I would like to use this as part of your assessment in the class. I look forward to reading your work!