Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mousetrap Car Report

Now you are ready to write a comprehensive essay that details your process when building your car and learning the Physics behind it.
The written assessment for the mousetrap car lab project is due Friday, April 4.
Include the following in you report:

1. An introduction(2 paragraph minimum) on the background about the project, which includes a statement of purpose and your preliminary ideas.
2. A methods and materials section that describes and includes insights into how you designed your vehicle, what made your vehicle work or as the case may be, not work.
3. A data section with your results and class results.
4. A conclusion which should contain all physics principles involved in making the mousetrap car move starting from the time you pulled back the handle until the car stopped moving. Principles include Newton's laws, friction, work, potential energy, and kinetic energy. If you could do it over again what would you keep the same? what would you change?

The report must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman. You are encouraged to add pictures and or diagrams to you report. The final grade on this project is a combination of the grade earned for your vehicle and the grade earned for your written report and will be included in your third marking period grade.
Please make a comment if you have any questions. I will be checking for questions tonight and tomorrow night.


Anonymous said...

Please don't forget to put the data up! I know it's not life or death important,but it is good to have it within the lab report!


~ Anthony Herrero

Anonymous said...

umm. I've gotss a problemoo!!
I didn't copy down the class data that we did on the chart paper. Is it ok if I copy it down tomorrow and hand it in?


Anonymous said...

i need the chart of my class telling how far each car reached.
Gagandeep SIngh

Anonymous said...

Dear ms. oneil,
i dont remember which newton's law was applied during the mousetrap car challenge. was it Law of acceleration?

Anonymous said...

is it right to say that the mousetrap car stopped due to the fact that all the potential energy was used up?

Anonymous said...

our class did not get the class data . so i couldn't finish the lab that is due tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

is there a certain length for this lab report?

-Sean H.

Anonymous said...

Our class never received the data , what should i do ?

Anonymous said...

Ms. Oneill where is tha data for tha mouse trap lab and also is that included in our lab??

Ms.ONeill said...

To all of you...
So sorry so sorry so sorry I did not put up the data.
If you did not include it in your reports that is OK
If you need to finish today do so and hand in monday.
The report has to be as long as set length but probably 2 pages.
To it is not OK to say all the PE was used up...what actualy stopped the car???
All three of Newtons laws could be applied in some way.